♥ New Phase New Start ♥

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hello everybody, it had been a long time since I last wrote in my blog. Sorry to neglect you my precious blog. Hehe ^_^

The reason for not blogging in such a long time was mainly due to the hectic-ness of my students' life. >_< Anyway, I've managed to survived through it with all my hard work and now I'm moving onto the next phase of my life! Yeah! ^_^V

After much thought and sorting out my "post-graduation syndrome" (i.e. unsure of my future path, etc), I think I really need a "make-over" of everything (i.e. physically and mentally change from student to working adult) for good. So, from now on, I need to build up my confidence level and be more independent. I also need to stay positive and be happy. Look ahead for a bright future!

Oh Oh, I would like to direct you to my newly created blog (Happy-Valerie) for a fresh start of my new phase of life! Enjoy your stay there. :)

PS: BlurQueen-me need a good rest, Happy-Valerie look for your bright future!

BlurQueen-Me 4:15 PM