♥ OG Gathering ♥
Saturday, February 21, 2009
This time round I am able to join the OG gathering..
I'm nt late today eh.. Surprise?! Furthermore, I m the first to reach and I can say tat I reach pretty early.. Wow! Is tis me? Haha..
Well, we settled our dinner at 新旺茶餐厅..
No photos of pretty food tis time round as my sis kope my cam for taking SHE photos la..
But I hav photos of our pretty faces! From RZ.. Hehe..

OMG! I nv notice tat I'm so "white" til I saw these photos! So scary la.. I tink I need suntanning ah..
I'm nt late today eh.. Surprise?! Furthermore, I m the first to reach and I can say tat I reach pretty early.. Wow! Is tis me? Haha..
Well, we settled our dinner at 新旺茶餐厅..
No photos of pretty food tis time round as my sis kope my cam for taking SHE photos la..
But I hav photos of our pretty faces! From RZ.. Hehe..

OMG! I nv notice tat I'm so "white" til I saw these photos! So scary la.. I tink I need suntanning ah..