♥ Bolt ♥
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bolt--a Hollywood canine action star--being the star in a hit TV show, spends his day defending his owner, the co-star, Penny from a stream of bad guys with his heat vision, karate-chops and super bark.

He was accidentally shipped from his Hollywood soundstage to New York City, making it his biggest mission--a cross-country journey to return through the real world, to soothe the worried Penny. Armed with only the delusions of his amazing feats and powers, the help of the abandoned housecat, Mittens and a TV-obsessed hamster, Rhino--the trio trek across the country, with Mittens teaching Bolt the realities of life as an average dog--Bolt discovers he doesn’t have any superpowers after all.

Well, I can say that I simply love the gorgeous animation, super cute "SuperDog", Bolt and the hilarious psychotic hamster, Rhino rolling around stealing laughs. This is a film that both young and old would enjoy!!
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