♥ 仔仔 - 蝴蝶飞 ♥
Friday, January 11, 2008
Watched 蝴蝶飞 at AMK Hub after sch..
Oink find it boring la..
BUT I find it nice.. Romantic.. n Touching.. 走到缘份的尽头, 却又回到相爱的最初...
I like this phrase on the poster [To love & to cherish... in life & in death...]

I rate

影片中佳佳(李冰冰飾)和東東(周渝民飾)彼此喜欢,但是東東因为不愿伤害到另一个喜欢自己的女孩,而一直没有表白,但是就在他决定表白的时候,却遭遇了车祸丧生…… 从此天人永隔……
「到底妳有沒有喜歡過我?」這句折騰著自己的话亦再次盪漾在自己的脑海。佳佳分不清東東是否回來,更分不清重聚是美夢,还是惡夢;他回來是代表一種解脫,还是缠绕? 於是,佳佳让自己重新认识東東,尋找一个仍未回答的答案……
東東(周渝民飾) is a popular student at his college. He was initially dating Fan, the college’s Queen, but became attracted to 佳佳(李冰冰飾) whom he fell in love at first sight.
One day, 佳佳 and 東東 had a quarrel and when 東東 was chasing 佳佳 on his motorcycle, he had a car accident and died. After the accident, 佳佳 isn’t herself anymore and relies on medication to control her emotions.
Three years have passed since 東東’s death. 佳佳 has graduated and work as a legal assistant in a law firm. Life is busy but she feels empty. She does not know if it is because of guilt or that she misses him.
Her doctor, Dr. Yuen (played by Roy Cheung) advises her to stop the medication and move on with her life. However, once she stops the medication, she begins to see 東東 in her dreams. She suspects that her encounters with 東東 are real. At the same time, she realizes that her love for 東東 is true and she has never stopped loving him.
At this point, Wu (played by Wong Yau Nam) appears in 佳佳’s life. Wu is a delinquent who has been sent to the reformatory several times and has no permanent occupation. As Wu admires 佳佳, he is willing to do anything for 佳佳 and she asks him to track down 東東’s father.
The relationship with his father is one burden that 東東 cannot let go even after his death. Their relationship has never been good after 東東 was beaten by his father in his youth. They drifted further apart when 東東 moved out to stay on his own in his second year of college. 佳佳 discovers that 東東’s father misses his son very much.
At last, 佳佳 frees her true self to 東東 and he fades away as they both defeat the affliction within their hearts……
Oink find it boring la..
BUT I find it nice.. Romantic.. n Touching.. 走到缘份的尽头, 却又回到相爱的最初...
I like this phrase on the poster [To love & to cherish... in life & in death...]

I rate

影片中佳佳(李冰冰飾)和東東(周渝民飾)彼此喜欢,但是東東因为不愿伤害到另一个喜欢自己的女孩,而一直没有表白,但是就在他决定表白的时候,却遭遇了车祸丧生…… 从此天人永隔……
「到底妳有沒有喜歡過我?」這句折騰著自己的话亦再次盪漾在自己的脑海。佳佳分不清東東是否回來,更分不清重聚是美夢,还是惡夢;他回來是代表一種解脫,还是缠绕? 於是,佳佳让自己重新认识東東,尋找一个仍未回答的答案……
東東(周渝民飾) is a popular student at his college. He was initially dating Fan, the college’s Queen, but became attracted to 佳佳(李冰冰飾) whom he fell in love at first sight.
One day, 佳佳 and 東東 had a quarrel and when 東東 was chasing 佳佳 on his motorcycle, he had a car accident and died. After the accident, 佳佳 isn’t herself anymore and relies on medication to control her emotions.
Three years have passed since 東東’s death. 佳佳 has graduated and work as a legal assistant in a law firm. Life is busy but she feels empty. She does not know if it is because of guilt or that she misses him.
Her doctor, Dr. Yuen (played by Roy Cheung) advises her to stop the medication and move on with her life. However, once she stops the medication, she begins to see 東東 in her dreams. She suspects that her encounters with 東東 are real. At the same time, she realizes that her love for 東東 is true and she has never stopped loving him.
At this point, Wu (played by Wong Yau Nam) appears in 佳佳’s life. Wu is a delinquent who has been sent to the reformatory several times and has no permanent occupation. As Wu admires 佳佳, he is willing to do anything for 佳佳 and she asks him to track down 東東’s father.
The relationship with his father is one burden that 東東 cannot let go even after his death. Their relationship has never been good after 東東 was beaten by his father in his youth. They drifted further apart when 東東 moved out to stay on his own in his second year of college. 佳佳 discovers that 東東’s father misses his son very much.
At last, 佳佳 frees her true self to 東東 and he fades away as they both defeat the affliction within their hearts……